I need to access a file from a network drive with a user who may not be in the domain.
My current code is:
private async Task GetUxVersionsFromServer()
string path = @$"\\{IpAddress}\...\...\...";
if(!await GetFiles(path))
using (UNCAccessWithCredentials unc = new UNCAccessWithCredentials())
bool retry = true;
(var ok, var username, var password) = _dialogService.ShowPasswordInput();
if (ok)
if (unc.NetUseWithCredentials(path, username, "domain", password))
await GetFiles(path);
retry = false;
retry = false;
} while (retry);
private async Task<bool> GetFiles(string path)
var zipFiles = await Task.FromResult(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(path, "VERSION*.zip"));
Versions = new ObservableCollection<string>(zipFiles);
return true;
catch (IOException)
return false;
I use the class UNCAccessWithCredential
from here
It works fine.
If the user has access to the directory, the password entry should not appear. The only problem is that I can't test if the Windows user has access to the directory without catching an exception.
Is there a way to query if the logged in Windows user has access to a network directory or not?
Is there a way to query if the logged on Windows user is in the domain?
Finally I solved it this way:
private async Task GetUxVersionsFromServer()
string path = @$"\\{server}\...";
if (Environment.UserDomainName.ToLower() != "myDomain")
bool success = false;
bool ok;
(bool result, var username, var password) = _dialogService.ShowPasswordInput();
ok = result;
if (ok)
using (new NetworkConnection(path, new NetworkCredential($@"myDomain\{username}", password)))
success = await GetFiles(path);
catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception ex)
success = false;
} while (!success && ok);
int test = 0;
await GetFiles(path);
I took the class NetworkConnection
from here