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Redisson creates an extra key on storing a java POJO

I'm using redisson (3.11.4) with spring boot (2.1.5) to store java objects.

My POJO looks like this.

public class ParentRecord {

    private String id;

    private String type;

    private String root;

    private Map<String, String> children;

And then I go on to store my data using merge.

messageKeyCache.put(parentRecord.getId(), parentRecord.getId(), 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Once I merge I see two keys one is the actual data. redisson_live_object:{223334343322}:com.memorystore.schema.ParentRecord:id:java.lang.String and the other is redisson_live_object_field:{223334343322}:com.memorystore.schema.ParentRecord:children:org.redisson.RedissonMap

I can delete the first key by doing liveObjectService.delete(ParentRecord.class, someId); but that doesn't delete the second key. Shouldn't it be deleted when I delete the first key? If not then how do I delete it?


  • 1) Add @RCascade annotation:

    private Map<String, String> children;

    2) Delete object:

    public void deleteByKey(K key) {
        T object = findByKey(key);
    private T findByKey(K key) {
        return liveObjectService.get(type, key);

    where type - some class(ParentRecord.class).