As the image shows, for each task that is created in my backlog, devops generates an Id for each task. In my implantation studies, the Id grew and now that I'm going to implant it, I would need it to start from 1 and not based on my last one. How do I do a reset?
I would need it to start from 1 and not based on my last one. How do I do a reset?
Sorry but we can't reset WIT ID. There's no option in Azure Devops supports the reset of Work Item ID.
Please check this: Each work item is based on a work item type and is assigned an identifier which is unique within an organization(Service) or project collection(Server).
Azure Devops Service doesn't re-use unique identifier, because that makes nasty problems to troubleshoot. So the ID won't be reset even after we delete all the work Items and Projects in Organization.
Just as DevOpsy suggests, you should create one new organization for your final usage. And then the WIT ID will start at 1.
Similar discussions about WIT ID number see here and here. Hope it helps to resolve your puzzle and provides correct direction :)