EpoxyModels are not compiling when using inside feature modules of Android App.
@EpoxyModelClass(layout = R.layout.layout_foo) //an annotation argument must be a compile-time constant here
abstract class FooModel : EpoxyModelWithHolder<FooModel.FooHolder>()
class FooHolder : BaseEpoxyHolder()
val textViewTitle: TextView by bind((R.id.textViewTitle))
//bind is the method borrowed from [here](https://github.com/airbnb/epoxy/blob/963ef0fd850bd379da7b0be6a2ada25d01ae0ee7/kotlinsample/src/main/java/com/airbnb/epoxy/kotlinsample/helpers/KotlinEpoxyHolder.kt#L20)
The above code complains about "an annotation argument must be a compile-time constant" for layout = R.layout.layout_foo line.
Again based on the documentation looks like, butterknife needs to be used for library projects(feature modules are kind of library project to some extent) that would generate R2 classes based on this
Below is the modified code with Butterknife which also I think it's overkill. Not sure, why I was not able just to do findviewbyId.
ModelClass(layout = R2.layout.layout_foo)
abstract class FooModel : EpoxyModelWithHolder<FooModel.FooHolder>() {
lateinit var fooDto: Foo
override fun bind(holder: FooHolder) {
holder.textViewTitle.text = fooDto.title
class FooHolder : BaseEpoxyHolder() {
@BindView(R2.id.textViewTitle) lateinit var textViewTitle: TextView
Below is the error coming from viewholder with butterknife
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property textViewTitle has not been initialized
As said in:
There is a problem with using that annotation on library project.
For the moment you can use:
abstract class MyModel : EpoxyModelWithHolder<MyHolder>() {
override fun getDefaultLayout(): Int {
return R.layout.my_layout