I want to build simple query like this:
SELECT * FROM configuration WHERE store_type = 'REGULAR' AND (country = 'SG' OR country = 'AU')
And i am trying to achieve this using criteria builder. What i am trying to do is to create dynamic query builder like this:
You can guess from the object name, it is object that i will use to generate query dynamically
data class SearchCriteria (
val property: String,
val values: List<String>,
val operation: String
So in my rest controller, from UI i will get list of those objects and based on them i want to generate query.
I created Specification class where i will build CriteriaBuilder and Predicates, and it looks like this:
override fun toPredicate(root: Root<Configuration>, query: CriteriaQuery<*>, builder: CriteriaBuilder): Predicate? {
val predicates: MutableList<Predicate> = mutableListOf()
for (criteria in list) {
if (criteria.operation == "EQUALS") {
predicates.add(builder.equal(root.get<String>(criteria.key), criteria.values[0]))
if (criteria.operation == "EQUALS_OR") {
how to build below line dynamically ?
predicates.add(builder.or(builder.like(root.get<String>(criteria.key), criteria.values[0]), builder.or(builder.like(root.get<String>(criteria.key), criteria.values[1]))))
return builder.and(*predicates.toTypedArray())
So basically rules are "simple" if criteria operation is EQUALS i want to have simple EQUAL predicate, this is straight forward and it will work automatically.
Actual complication is to mix it with EQUALS_OR operation, where i need to add this:
AND (someProperty = "value" or some property = "another value")
In other words each time when i get EQUALS_OR operator when i get multiple values, i want to build AND (property = "value" OR property = "something else")
if i have only one value, then it will be simple and equals
As you can asume, my current solution "works", but i had to hard code builder, does anyone knows how i can make this line dynamic ?
predicates.add(builder.or(builder.like(root.get<String>(criteria.key), criteria.values[0]), builder.or(builder.like(root.get<String>(criteria.key), criteria.values[1]))))
I created this code based on this guide: https://attacomsian.com/blog/spring-data-jpa-specifications, basically it is the same thing
In case that anyone ever need this, i fixed this issue like in code below. Basically i had to figure out how to properly build criteria.
override fun toPredicate(root: Root<Configuration>, query: CriteriaQuery<*>, builder: CriteriaBuilder): Predicate? {
val predicates: MutableList<Predicate> = mutableListOf()
for (criteria in list) {
if (criteria.operation == "EQUALS") {
predicates.add(builder.equal(root.get<String>(criteria.key), criteria.values[0]))
if (criteria.operation == "EQUALS_OR") {
val equalsOrPredicates: MutableList<Predicate> = mutableListOf()
for (value in criteria.values) {
equalsOrPredicates.add(builder.and(builder.like(root.get<String>(criteria.key), value)))
return builder.and(*predicates.toTypedArray())