I inherited a couple of reports with several calculated columns. For understanding and documentation I'd need to export all the calculations behind those columns.
Searching the web I couldn't find anything useful.
So far the process is to open properties of each column and manually copy the formula.
Is there something more efficient?
You can use a IronPython script to get each Table Name, Column Name and Expression for calculated columns.
myDict = {}
#Loop Through All Data Tables
for x in Document.Data.Tables:
#Loop Through all Columns in Table
for z in x.Columns:
#If Column has an Expression /Is Caculated Column
if z.Properties.Expression:
#Append Items to Dictonary to print at end
MyItems = {'Table Name' : x.Name , 'Expression' :z.Properties.Expression }
myDict[z.Name] = MyItems
#Print Each Table Name, Column Name and Expression
print(x.Name , z.Name , z.Properties.Expression)
#Print Full List
print myDict