Search code examples

Add missing monthly rows

I would like to list the missing date between two dates in a request for example

My data :

202001  |  500    
202001  |  600    
201912  |  100    
201910  |  200
201910  |  100     
201909  |  400
201601  | 5000

I want the request to return

201912  |  100    
201911  |    0    
201910  |  300
201909  |  400     
201908  |    0
201907  |    0
201906  |    0
....    |    0
201712  |    0

i want the last 24 months from the date of execution

I did something similar with the dates but not YEAR MONTH yyyyMM

select date_sub(s.date_order ,nvl(d.i,0)) as date_order, case when d.i > 0 then 0 else s.amount end as amount
(--find previous date
select date_order, amount, 
        lag(date_order) over(order by date_order) prev_date,
        datediff(date_order,lag(date_order) over(order by date_order)) datdiff
( --aggregate
 select date_order, sum(amount) amount from your_data group by date_order )s
--generate rows
lateral view outer posexplode(split(space(s.datdiff-1),' ')) d as i,x
order by date_order;

I use Cassandra database with Apache Hive connector

Can someone help me ?


  • date_range subquery generates 24 months (adjust if you want some other than 24 months range) back from current date. Left join it with your dataset, see comments in this demo code:

    with date_range as 
    (--this query generates months range, check it's output
    select date_format(add_months(concat(date_format(current_date,'yyyy-MM'),'-01'),-s.i),'yyyyMM') as year_month 
      from ( select posexplode(split(space(24),' ')) as (i,x) ) s --24 months
    your_data as (--use your table instead of this example
    select stack(7,
    202001, 500,    
    202001, 600,    
    201912, 100,    
    201910, 200,
    201910, 100,     
    201909, 400,
    201601,5000 -----this date is beyond 24 months, hence it is not in the output
    ) as (YEAR_MONTH, AMOUNT )
    select d.year_month, sum(nvl(s.amount,0)) as amount --aggregate
      from date_range d 
           left join your_data s on d.year_month=s.year_month
      group by d.year_month;


    d.year_month    amount
    201801  0
    201802  0
    201803  0
    201804  0
    201805  0
    201806  0
    201807  0
    201808  0
    201809  0
    201810  0
    201811  0
    201812  0
    201901  0
    201902  0
    201903  0
    201904  0
    201905  0
    201906  0
    201907  0
    201908  0
    201909  400
    201910  300
    201911  0
    201912  100
    202001  1100

    Use your table instead your_data subquery. Add order by if necessary.