I'm trying to parse data from my simple form using koa-body, but in post request handling I only can access ctx.request.body , but not ctx.request.files. I was trying several options t solve this, but it's not working out, ctx.request.files is empty in anyways. Wrote code according this example:koa-body/examples/multipart.js . There is code:
const router = require('koa-router')();
const bodyParser = require('koa-body')({multipart:true});
router.post('/reg', bodyParser, async (ctx) => {
module.exports = router;
form(method='POST' action='/reg')
label Логин
input(type="text" id="login" name="login")
label Почта
input(type="text" name="mail")
label Пароль
input(type="password" name="password")
label Специализация
input(type="text" name="specialism")
label Пол
option(value="male") Мужрской
option(value="female") Женский
label Фото
input(type="file" name="image")
button(type="submit" value="Sign up") Sign Up
const Koa = require('koa');
const Pug = require('koa-pug');
const serve = require('koa-static');
const path = require('path');
const logger = require('koa-morgan');
const mongoDB = require('./config/database');
const homeRoute = require('./routes/home');
const regRoute = require('./routes/reg');
const app = new Koa();
// Connection to Mongoose
// Error-middleware handler
app.use(async(ctx, next) => {
try {
await next();
const status = ctx.status || 404;
if (status === 404) {
} catch (err) {
ctx.status = err.status || 500;
pug.locals.status = ctx.status;
if (ctx.status === 404) {
//Your 404.jade
await ctx.render('404error', pug.locals)
} else {
//other_error jade
await ctx.render('index', pug.locals)
const pug = new Pug({
viewPath: path.resolve(__dirname, './views'),
locals: { },
app: app
app.listen(3000, function(){
console.log('Server running on https://localhost:3000')
That's what ctx.request.body contains:
body: {
login: 'check',
mail: '123',
password: '123',
specialism: 'check',
sex: 'male',
image: 'SnWyoGZWgDA.jpg'
I was having the same issue in a new project. This is an issue in the new version of koa-body. I changed koa-body version from "^4.1.1" to "^2.5.0". Now it is working fine.
To update use command:
npm remove koa-body
The install older version:
npm install koa-body@2.5.0
Now it will work fine.