I'm trying to query a Companies table using the companyName, I want to get the companies whose companyName(s) contains a query string, not only the companies whose companyName are exact matches of my query strings. If I was using sql, I would use the ---WHERE companyName LIKE %queryString% statement. So my question is how do I make such a query in sqflite? Right now I am getting a syntax error because of the %
Table Structure
name TEXT,
email TEXT,
website TEXT,
about TEXT,
phone TEXT,
logo TEXT,
created_at TEXT
Code for searching
Future<List<CompanyModel>> filterCompanies(String filterCriteria) async {
final db =await database;
List<CompanyModel> filteredCompanies = [];
var res = await db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE name LIKE %?%;", [filterCriteria]);
if(res.length !=null){
for (var item in res){
return filteredCompanies;
When I add the %, I get a syntax error.
The accepted answer leads to build error for me. I'm using sqflite: ^1.1.7+1 with flutter: v1.13.5.
From the discussion below, it comes out the percent character should be in the parameter instead of in the query, i.e.,
res = await db.query(
where: "name LIKE ?"
whereArgs: ['%$title']