In PostGIS, Is there a way to calculate another point 50 miles away in different directions?
Given a point, ('New York',-74.00,40.71), how do I calculate the following points?
1) 50 miles directly North
2) 50 miles 45% North East
4) 50 miles directly East
3) 50 miles 45% South West
Update: It seems may be the solution.
ST_Project('POINT(-74.00 40.71)'::geography, 80467.2, radians(45.0))
However, I need to reference the database record to do it. not hard code it.
Try combining ST_Project
with a CTE
- adjust the values of radians
to the azimuth you need.
SELECT poi::geography AS poi FROM t
ST_AsText(ST_Project(j.poi, 80467.2, radians(90.0)),2),
ST_AsText(ST_Project(j.poi, 80467.2, radians(45.0)),2),
ST_AsText(ST_Project(j.poi, 80467.2, radians(180.0)),2),
ST_AsText(ST_Project(j.poi, 80467.2, radians(135.0)),2),
ST_AsText(ST_Project(j.poi, 80467.2, radians(270.0)),2),
ST_AsText(ST_Project(j.poi, 80467.2, radians(225.0)),2),
ST_AsText(ST_Project(j.poi, 80467.2, radians(360.0)),2),
ST_AsText(ST_Project(j.poi, 80467.2, radians(315.0)),2)
st_astext | st_astext | st_astext | st_astext | st_astext | st_astext | st_astext | st_astext
POINT(-73.05 40.71) | POINT(-73.32 41.22) | POINT(-74 39.99) | POINT(-73.33 40.2) | POINT(-74.95 40.71) | POINT(-74.67 40.2) | POINT(-74 41.43) | POINT(-74.68 41.22)
(1 Zeile)
Note: The buffer (circle) in the image is just for illustration.