I am trying to do an inverse fuzzy selection with multiple criteria on a python dictionary and I am unable to achieve it.
I have a dictionary with weather info:
{'time': '2020-01-21',
'summary': 'Rain and dangerously windy throughout the day.',
'icon': 'rain',
'sunriseTime': 1579590780,
'sunsetTime': 1579625640,
'moonPhase': 0.9,
'precipIntensity': 4.0669,
'precipIntensityMax': 6.6666,
'precipIntensityMaxTime': 1579640520,
'precipProbability': 1,
'precipType': 'rain',
'temperatureHigh': 13.39,
'temperatureHighTime': 1579608240,
'temperatureLow': 11.49,
'temperatureLowTime': 1579645500,
'apparentTemperatureHigh': 13.11,
'apparentTemperatureHighTime': 1579608240,
'apparentTemperatureLow': 11.76,
'apparentTemperatureLowTime': 1579645500,
'dewPoint': 9.58,
'humidity': 0.88,
'pressure': 1024.8,
'windSpeed': 14.23,
'windGust': 23.47,
'windGustTime': 1579628880,
'windBearing': 72,
'cloudCover': 0.99,
'uvIndex': 1,
'uvIndexTime': 1579608060,
'visibility': 6.288,
'ozone': 406.5,
'temperatureMin': 8.41,
'temperatureMinTime': 1579569780,
'temperatureMax': 13.82,
'temperatureMaxTime': 1579639560,
'apparentTemperatureMin': 3.78,
'apparentTemperatureMinTime': 1579569360,
'apparentTemperatureMax': 13.54,
'apparentTemperatureMaxTime': 1579639560}
I would like to remove all keys with either "Time", "High" or "Low" in their text.
The following code gives me all the keys I would like to remove:
{k:v for (k,v) in forecast_dict[0].items() for x in ["Time", "High", "Low"] if x in k}
with output:
{'sunriseTime': 1579590780,
'sunsetTime': 1579625640,
'precipIntensityMaxTime': 1579640520,
'temperatureHigh': 13.39,
'temperatureHighTime': 1579608240,
'temperatureLow': 11.49,
'temperatureLowTime': 1579645500,
'apparentTemperatureHigh': 13.11,
'apparentTemperatureHighTime': 1579608240,
'apparentTemperatureLow': 11.76,
'apparentTemperatureLowTime': 1579645500,
'windGustTime': 1579628880,
'uvIndexTime': 1579608060,
'temperatureMinTime': 1579569780,
'temperatureMaxTime': 1579639560,
'apparentTemperatureMinTime': 1579569360,
'apparentTemperatureMaxTime': 1579639560}
When I try to do the reverse selection with the following:
{k:v for (k,v) in forecast_dict[0].items() for x in ["Time", "High", "Low"] if x not in k}
I get back the whole dictionary with all the entries. I think the problem is with the list unpacking, but if it works for direct filtering, shouldn't it work for reverse?
Is this what you're after? Using any()
and a generator:
>>> {k:v for k, v in forecast_dict[0].items() if not any(x in k for x in["Time", "High", "Low"])}
{'time': '2020-01-21',
'summary': 'Rain and dangerously windy throughout the day.',
'icon': 'rain',
'moonPhase': 0.9,
'precipIntensity': 4.0669,
'precipIntensityMax': 6.6666,
'precipProbability': 1,
'precipType': 'rain',
'dewPoint': 9.58,
'humidity': 0.88,
'pressure': 1024.8,
'windSpeed': 14.23,
'windGust': 23.47,
'windBearing': 72,
'cloudCover': 0.99,
'uvIndex': 1,
'visibility': 6.288,
'ozone': 406.5,
'temperatureMin': 8.41,
'temperatureMax': 13.82,
'apparentTemperatureMin': 3.78,
'apparentTemperatureMax': 13.54}