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How count by the first letters in Laravel Query Builder?

I want to make a count by the first letters... I have this column

enter image description here

I would like to count each OE rows and each GICS rows

I'm working with this query

$data4 = DB::table('incidencias')
   ->select(DB::raw('grupo_asig as grupo_asig'), DB::raw('count(*) as number'))
   ->whereNotIn('grupo_asig', [''])
   ->orderBy('number', 'desc')


  • Use CASE WHEN and count the field like OE and ASIG

    $data4 = DB::table('incidencias')
               ->select(DB::raw("(CASE WHEN grupo_asig LIKE 'OE%' THEN 'OE'
                                       WHEN grupo_asig LIKE 'GICS%' THEN 'GICS'
                                  END) AS grupo_asig_type"), 
                        DB::raw('COUNT(*) as number'))
               ->whereNotIn('grupo_asig', [''])
               ->orderBy('number', 'desc')