I am trying to utilize the data saved to list.txt via form submit and display it randomly on page.
//$list = file_get_contents('list.txt'); //Tested without fopen
$myfile = fopen('list.txt', "r") or die ("");
$list = fread($myfile,filesize('list.txt'));
$bg0 = array($list ,'yellow'); // array of colors
$i = rand(0, count($bg0)-1); // generate random number size of the array
$selectedColor = "$bg0[$i]"; // set variable equal to which random color was chosen
echo selectedColor;
'red', 'blue', 'green'
I am not fully sure what you are trying to achieve here, but you have few problems:
1) selectedColor
should be $selectedColor
2) loading of the "array".
You cannot simply load a text and expect php to guess the format. If you want to load the file and treat it as an array you need to instruct php to do so.
In your example you can for example split the text and trim unwanted chars:
$list = explode(',', $list);
array_walk($list, function(&$elem) {
$elem = trim($elem, ' \'');
3) $selectedColor = $bg0[$i];
$selectedColor = "$bg0[$i]";
$selectedColor = $bg0[$i];
4) array push
This line is incorrect:
$bg0 = array($list ,'yellow'); // array of colors
Replace it with:
$bg0 = array_merge($list, ['yellow']); // array of colors
If you want to operate on a single array you can use array_push
but then be sure to change the variable which you use later.
So for example:
//$list = file_get_contents('list.txt'); //Tested without fopen
$myfile = fopen('list.txt', "r") or die ("");
$list = fread($myfile,filesize('list.txt'));
$list = explode(',', $list);
array_walk($list, function(&$elem) {
$elem = trim($elem, ' \'');
$bg0 = array_merge($list , ['yellow']); // array of colors
$i = rand(0, count($bg0)-1); // generate random number size of the array
$selectedColor = $bg0[$i]; // set variable equal to which random color was chosen
echo $selectedColor;