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Get bounds of PKDrawing / individual strokes in PencilKit

I need access to the coordinates of individual strokes of a PKDrawing in PencilKit. Is there any way I can get access to that? Currently, my only idea is to try and decode the opaque data representation we get from PKDrawing.


  • As Ben has said, there doesn't seem to be any way to access stroke-level data in PencilKit at this time. This seems like a pretty rudimentary feature so hopefully Apple will add it next WWDC. Fingers crossed.

    LetsBuildThatApp's YouTube tutorial is a good starting point if you just want basic drawing capabilities and are not too concerned about drawing quality or latency. I ran into issues when I tried to add the ability to vary the stroke width with pen pressure. I was never able to get it to transition smoothly between stroke segments of different widths - it always 'jumped' jarringly from one width to the next. Maybe there's a way to fix that, but I wasn't able to.

    I suspect that currently, the only way to draw low-latency high-quality images with Apple Pencil is to write a drawing engine from scratch in Metal or OpenCL. It's strange it has taken Apple so long since the release of Apple Pencil to get a comprehensive drawing framework out. Fingers crossed that changes at WWDC 2020.

    Edit: Apple announced substantial updates to PencilKit at WWDC20, including access to stroke data and functions to programatically draw strokes.