Search code examples

Select timeline in MySQL database

This is my MySQL table.

|   element | status      | hour                |
|        18 | Available   | 2020-01-19 14:23:49 |
|        18 | Unavailable | 2019-09-13 18:19:47 |
|        18 | Available   | 2019-09-13 18:18:49 |
|        18 | Unavailable | 2019-09-09 08:22:45 |
|        19 | Available   | 2019-09-07 19:13:56 |
|        19 | Available   | 2019-09-03 18:13:49 |

Normally the timeline of rows in this MySQL table for each element status is unavailable / available.

But it happened that for element number 19 the timeline of rows in status is available / available :

| element  | status      | hour                |
|       19 | Available   | 2019-09-07 19:13:56 |
|       19 | Available   | 2019-09-03 18:13:49 |

is this means anomaly.

I need to intercept these cases that is, all the rows for each element status when the timeline is available / available.

How to do resolve this ?

Please can you help me ?

#Edit 01

|   element | status      | hour                |   ID    |
|        18 | Available   | 2020-01-19 14:23:49 |   6     |
|        18 | Unavailable | 2019-09-13 18:19:47 |   5     |
|        18 | Available   | 2019-09-13 18:18:49 |   4     |
|        18 | Unavailable | 2019-09-09 08:22:45 |   3     |
|        19 | Available   | 2019-09-07 19:13:56 |   2     |
|        19 | Available   | 2019-09-03 18:13:49 |   1     |


  • Based on your originally published sample data you can use a sub query to take a look at the next and previous status then test

    select s.element,s.hour,s.`status`
    select t.*,
    (select concat(t1.status,',',t1.hour) from t t1 
    where t1.element = t.element and t1.hour < t.hour
    order by t1.element,t1.hour desc limit 1) prev,
    (select concat(t1.status,',',t1.hour) from t t1 
    where t1.element = t.element and t1.hour > t.hour
    order by t1.element,t1.hour limit 1) nxt
    from t
    ) s
    where s.status = substring_index(s.nxt,',',1) or
            s.status = substring_index(s.prev,',',1)