I have setup flyway task for Local using a configuration file and wiring up to my task like
tasks.create<FlywayMigrateTask>("migrateLocal") {
configFiles = arrayOf("config/flyway/flyway.conf")
This task runs okay and the scripts are executed well, However when I try running integration tests with an application-TEST.yaml file where I define the configuration paths, I get the error below
Flyway failed to initialize: none of the following migration scripts locations could be found:
- classpath:db/migration
The thing is I dont want to redefine the same configurations in the test folder, I want to reference them from file system using my application-TEST.yaml in the resources folder of test package like this
schemas: public
locations: filesystem:doc/flyway/migrations,filesystem:config/flyway/archive,filesystem:config/flyway/post_migrations
If I try that, I get the same Flyway failed to initialize when I ran a single test, infact context fails to load
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load ApplicationContext
Any help would be highly appreciated
For anyone trying to set up something similar, You have to annotate the integration test with
"TEST" is the configuration profile ("application-TEST.yaml").
Everything worked okay after that.