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How can I render plain android ProgressBar with Compose?

My application needs a ProgressBar, and I am trying to implement it with Jetpack Compose, so either I need a builtin ProgressBar support (I didn't find it) or there should be a mechanism to display plain Android Widgets with Compose. Is anything of this possible?


  • Ofcourse, we have Progress Bars in Jetpack Compose:

    CircularProgressIndicator: Displays progress bar as Circle. It is indeterminate. Themed to Primary color set in styles. Another variant is determinate that takes progress in argument as Float (0.0f - 1.0f)


    // Indeterminate
    // Determinate
    CircularProgressIndicator(progress = 0.5f)

    LinearProgressIndicator: Displays progress bar as line. It is indeterminate. Themed to Primary color set in styles. Another variant is determinate that takes progress in argument as Float (0.0f - 1.0f)


    // Indeterminate
    // Determinate
    LinearProgressIndicator(progress = 0.5f)