I'm trying to create a Mutation that receives an input type like this:
input Cart {
items: [CartItem!]!
client: String!
input CartItem {
productId: Int!
qty: Int!
And my Mutation goes like this:
type Mutation {
createOrder(cart: Cart!): Order!
But when I try to run my Application I get the following exception:
Caused by: com.coxautodev.graphql.tools.SchemaError: Expected type 'CartItem' to be a GraphQLOutputType, but it wasn't! Was a type only permitted for object types incorrectly used as an input type, or vice-versa?
What's going on?
It is a known bug of Graphql-java-tools: https://github.com/graphql-java-kickstart/graphql-java-tools/issues/216
The input java types should have public getters.