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React app stuck on "Starting the development server"

I have a react app created by create-react-app. After running npm start (the start script is present in package.json as "start": "react-scripts start") the console says Starting the development server as usual and fires up the browser. But after this both the console and the browser do absolutely nothing indefinitely. No error or output. It simply does nothing.


  • I have something similar happening to me.

    I have a react project that I want to convert to Typescript and I started as you noted with the "create-react-app", added all my files and hoped for the best - but got stuck like you on the “Starting the development server” message.

    I have an 8GB Ram with Windows 10 and once I used the default "npm start" for the first time I've seen the node process uses a lot of memory - So I tried to give it more and at the same time I tired to change the port react uses.

    1. Added this to the start script in package.json:

      "scripts": { "start": "PORT=3001 react-scripts --max_old_space_size=8128 start", ... }

    2. Closed all my chrome browsers (they take pretty much memory)

    3. And gave it around 1 minute to run

    After 1 minute it started working and from that point it just starts quickly and not uses as much memory and not depended on the port I choose

    In my case - I guess the first time you run "npm start" on the React Typescript project it probably index the files (or does something similar - I'm not sure and probably need to read about it - I'm new to typescript) which take a lot of memory.

    In your case - It might be something similar

    Hope it helps :)