My app has three user types based on roles. I would like to use same url for all this users, allowing sharing of address. So using /ticker for user role client and /admin/ticker for user role admin is not a option.
However each combination of user role and model has a specific component. So I would like to bind the route /ticker to ClientTickerComponent if the user is a client and AdminTickerComponet is the user is an admin and SomethingTickerComponent if the client is a something.
The only solution I could figure out is use a TickerComponent in route and leave that to create the specific [Rule]TickerComponent based on the auth.
You can add routes dynamically to router
In your app.component import Router
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
in constructor
private router: Router
in ngOnInit for each route to add
let route = {};
if (role === 'Client') {
route = {
path: 'ticker',
component: ClientTickerComponent
if (role === 'Admin') {
route = {
path: 'ticker',
component: AdminTickerComponent