I'm trying to get a variable to appear through both the controller prefix
and the method path
parameters of the decorators. I know of Nest Router, but I'd rather avoid using it while I can.
* eneity.config.ts
import { registerAs } from '@nestjs/config';
export default registerAs('cat', () => ({
cat: {
urlPrefix: 'cat',
paramName: 'meow',
* cat.module.ts
import entityConfig from 'config/entity.config';
import { CatController } from 'entities/cat/cat.controller';
import { ConfigModule, ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
imports : [ConfigModule.forFeature(entityConfig),],
providers : [ConfigService],
controllers: [CatController],
export class CatModule {}
* cat.controller.ts
import { Controller, Request, Get } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config';
@Controller(`${this.urlPrefix}/cat`) // <<<<< Here
export class CatController {
private readonly urlPrefix;
private readonly paramName;
private readonly configService: ConfigService,
) {
this.urlPrefix = this.configService.get<string>('cat.urlPrefix'); // animal
this.paramName = this.configService.get<string>('cat.paramName'); // meow
@Get(`snowflake/:${this.paramName}`) // <<<<< Here
getProfile(@Request() req) {
return 'meowww';
I tried to do it as is, and it keeps giving me "undefined", even though it shows up if I log it to console in the constructor. I want to be able to use the configuration to set these constants.
In the end, the route I want is: localhost/animal/cat/snowflake/meow
Edit: I attempted it with a normal variable, and it works. Apparently the issue is with my implementation of NestJS's config package.
There's not an issue with your config service, but rather an issue with how decorators work in Typescript/JavaScript. Decorators cannot access class members, due to how the decorator context works. If you want to make the endpoint configurable, which seems like a bad idea in the first place, you can use nest-router as you mentioned.