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Call Readonly function in Typescript

I'm building an app with an immutable data model and I reached the following dead-end:

I have a function that is stored as immutable like in the following example:

const f: Readonly<() => void> = () => {};

When calling f I get the following error:

This expression is not callable.
  Type 'Readonly<() => void>' has no call signatures. (2349)

I fail to understand what is transformed by Readonly that produces this effect.

Casting back to mutable doesn't seem to be a solution. This produces the same error:

export type Mutable<T> = {
    -readonly [K in keyof T]: T[K];

(f as Mutable<typeof f>)();

I'm looking to understand the root cause of this issue, not necessarily look for workarounds, like casting to the exact function type, or not applying Readonly to functions.

Link to playground.


  • You can use Readonly<Function> to say that the function's properties (e.g. apply, bind, call...) are read-only, and an intersection type to retain the function's call signature.

    type ReadonlyFunction<F extends Function> = Readonly<Function> & F;
    const f: ReadonlyFunction<() => void> = () => {};
    // OK
    // Error: Expected 0 arguments, but got 2.
    f(1, 2);
    // Error: Cannot assign to 'apply' as it is a readonly property.
    f.apply = 'foo';

    Playground Link

    The reason why Readonly<() => void> doesn't work seems to be that Readonly is a mapped type, so it maps the properties of the type () => void, but not the call signature.

    It turns out that the type () => void has no properties, so e.g. keyof (() => void) is never, and { [K in keyof (() => void)]: any } is {}.