So for instance, say i have an API on a webapp, and i wish to use the same controllers and actions in the API as the rest of the webapp.
In my urlmappings file i have
and i also have a mapping like this:
"/blog/$year/$month/$day/$action" {
controller = 'blog'
Now the question is, can i somehow prefix the api urlmapping to the blog urlmapping so i can benefit from the $year, $month, $day variables? in such a way that a GET request to the following url would be valid:
GET /api/0.1/bs23mk4m2n4k/blog/2001/01/05/list
or am i forced to do the following request instead?
GET /api/0.1/bs23mk4m2n4k/blog/list?year=2004&month=01&day=05
Need help from an urlmappings GURU or a groovy runtime urlmappings maniuplation WIZARD :)
I want a solution that can reuse existing non-api urmappings, instead of having to redeclare them with the api path as a prefix.
You could have an ApiController strip off the api parameters, then redirect to the blog controller. For example:
"/api/$version/$apiKey/$rest**" {
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util.WebUtils
class ApiController {
def grailsUrlMappingsHolder
def default = {
// validate apiKey, etc
WebUtils.forwardRequestForUrlMappingInfo(request, response, grailsUrlMappingsHolder.match("/${}"))
The API controller has access to the version and apiKey params, and passes on the rest of the params to be processed by the blog controller's UrlMapping.