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IBM Watson Discovery - How to list uploaded documents?

I'm trying to get the ID-s of all documents uploaded to IBM Watson Discovery API

It's not obvious from the documentation, but I guess it must be possible?

The structure is:

| Environment                                      |
|                                                  |
|              +--------------------------------+  |
|              | Collection                     |  |
|              |                                |  |
|              |              +--------------+  |  |
|              |              | Document     |  |  |
|              |              |              |  |  |
|              |              +--------------+  |  |
|              |                                |  |
|              +--------------------------------+  |
|                                                  |

How can I get a list of all documents in a collection?


I have tried:

Collections -> List collection fields

curl -u "apikey":"{apikey}" "{url}/v1/environments/{environment_id}/collections/{collection_id}/fields?version=2019-04-30"

Queries -> Query a collection (GET)

curl -u "apikey":"{apikey}" "{url}/v1/environments/{environment_id}/collections/{collection_id}/query?version=2019-04-30"

Environments -> Get environment info

curl -u "apikey":"{apikey}" "{url}/v1/environments/{environment_id}?version=2019-04-30"

Training data -> List training data

curl -u "apikey":"{apikey}" "{url}/v1/environments/{environment_id}/collections/{collection_id}/training_data?version=2019-04-30"

None of these give the list of documents.



Thanks to @Catbelly's answer, the correct way to get a list of documents is:

curl -u "apikey":"{apikey}" "{url}/v1/environments/{environment_id}/collections/{collection_id}/query?version=2019-04-30&return=id


  • The Query endpoint is the only way to do this - if you set the return value equal to id you will only get ids back. (I am a IBM Watson employee)