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Blazor (c#) DXDatagrid (devexpress) : Problem with Master Detail editor when replacing the default command buttons with icons

I created a C# project using Blazor and Devexpress DxDataGrid component to create a Master Detail View. Everything works fine using the default command buttons (New, Edit). When I replace the Master command default buttons with icons, I have no problem with the edition functions: enter image description here

When I replace the detail default controls, the detail editor for adding or replacing rows doesn´t work: enter image description here

When I keep the default command buttons, just for the detail, the master (with icons) and detail (with default buttons), all the master and detail editors works fine: enter image description here

To reproduce the issue, please download and compile the devexpress project you can find at: How to replace default command button with icons on DXDataGrid The example shows how to replace the default buttons in a single grid. In my test project I added a detail as it´s shown in the following piece of code (just replace all code in .razor file):

@page "/"
    @using CommandButtonsWithIcons.Data
    @inject WeatherForecastService ForecastService

    @if (forecasts == null) {
    else {
    <DxDataGrid Data=@forecasts ShowFilterRow=false CssClass="MainGrid" @ref="MyGrid"    ShowDetailRow="true"
                RowUpdating=@((updatingDataItem, newValues) => OnRowUpdating(updatingDataItem, newValues))
                RowInserting=@((newValues) => OnRowInserting(newValues))>
                    <a class="oi oi-plus" @onclick="@(() => MyGrid.StartRowEdit(null))" href="javascript:void(0);"></a>
                    <a class="oi oi-pencil" @onclick="@(() => MyGrid.StartRowEdit(context))" href="javascript:void(0);"></a>
                    <a class="oi oi-x" @onclick="@(() => Delete(context as WeatherForecast))" href="javascript:void(0);"></a>
            <DxDataGridColumn Field=@nameof(WeatherForecast.TemperatureC) Caption="Temp. (C)"></DxDataGridColumn>
            <DxDataGridColumn Field=@nameof(WeatherForecast.TemperatureF) Caption="Temp. (F)"></DxDataGridColumn>
            <DxDataGridComboBoxColumn Field=@nameof(WeatherForecast.Summary) Caption="Summary" Data=@summaries></DxDataGridComboBoxColumn>
            <DxDataGridDateEditColumn Field=@nameof(WeatherForecast.Date) DisplayFormatString="dd/MM/yyyy"
        <DetailRowTemplate Context="dataItem">
            <DxDataGrid Data=@forecasts.Where(x=>x.TemperatureC==dataItem.TemperatureC) ShowFilterRow=false CssClass="MainGrid" @ref="MyGridDetail"
                        RowUpdating=@((updatingDataItem, newValues) => OnRowUpdating(updatingDataItem, newValues))
                        RowInserting=@((newValues) => OnRowInserting(newValues))>
                        <a class="oi oi-plus" @onclick="@(() => MyGridDetail.StartRowEdit(null))" href="javascript:void(0);"></a>
                        <a class="oi oi-pencil" @onclick="@(() => MyGridDetail.StartRowEdit(context))" href="javascript:void(0);"></a>
                        <a class="oi oi-x" @onclick="@(() => Delete(context as WeatherForecast))" href="javascript:void(0);"></a>
                <DxDataGridColumn Field=@nameof(WeatherForecast.TemperatureC) Caption="Temp. (C)"></DxDataGridColumn>
                <DxDataGridColumn Field=@nameof(WeatherForecast.TemperatureF) Caption="Temp. (F)"></DxDataGridColumn>
                <DxDataGridComboBoxColumn Field=@nameof(WeatherForecast.Summary) Caption="Summary" Data=@summaries></DxDataGridComboBoxColumn>
                <DxDataGridDateEditColumn Field=@nameof(WeatherForecast.Date) DisplayFormatString="dd/MM/yyyy"

    @functions {
        WeatherForecast[] forecasts;
        string[] summaries;
        DevExpress.Blazor.DxDataGrid<WeatherForecast> MyGrid;
        DevExpress.Blazor.DxDataGrid<WeatherForecast> MyGridDetail;
        protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() {
            forecasts = await ForecastService.GetForecastAsync();
            summaries = await ForecastService.GetSummariesAsync();

        async void OnRowUpdating(WeatherForecast dataItem, Dictionary<string, object> newValue) {
            forecasts = await ForecastService.Update(dataItem, newValue);
        async void OnRowInserting(Dictionary<string, object> newValue) {
            forecasts = await ForecastService.Insert(newValue);

        async void Delete(WeatherForecast item) {
            if (item != null) {
                forecasts = await ForecastService.Remove(item);

UPDATE As Paul V from devexpress suggests, we have to create a new razor component that implements a new DXDatagrid component instance, since it is not suitable to reference the component, 2 or more times on the same razor component. So, to fix the problem, create another component (ie. DetaiGrid) and reference it inside DetailRowTemplate and send a a parameter, the master record and the detail source :

 <DetailRowTemplate Context="dataItem">
    <DetailGrid MasterRecord="@dataItem" ForecastService="@ForecastService" Forecasts="@forecasts" ></DetailGrid>

Detail Example:

            @using CommandButtonsWithIcons.Data

            <DxDataGrid Data=@Forecasts.Where(x=>x.TemperatureC==MasterRecord.TemperatureC) ShowFilterRow=false CssClass="MainGrid" @ref="MyGridDetail"
                            <a class="oi oi-plus" @onclick="@(() => MyGridDetail.StartRowEdit(null))" href="javascript:void(0);"></a>

                        <a class="oi oi-pencil" @onclick="@(() => MyGridDetail.StartRowEdit(context))" href="javascript:void(0);"></a>
                <DxDataGridColumn Field=@nameof(WeatherForecast.TemperatureC) Caption="Temp. (C)"></DxDataGridColumn>
                <DxDataGridColumn Field=@nameof(WeatherForecast.TemperatureF) Caption="Temp. (F)"></DxDataGridColumn>
                <DxDataGridDateEditColumn Field=@nameof(WeatherForecast.Date) DisplayFormatString="dd/MM/yyyy"

            @code {
                public WeatherForecast[] Forecasts { get; set; }

                public WeatherForecast MasterRecord{ get; set; }

                public WeatherForecastService ForecastService { get; set; }

                DevExpress.Blazor.DxDataGrid<WeatherForecast> MyGridDetail = null;

                async Task OnRowUpdating(WeatherForecast dataItem, IDictionary<string, object> newValue)
                    Forecasts = await ForecastService.Update(dataItem, newValue);
                async Task OnRowInserting(IDictionary<string, object> newValue)
                    //forecasts = await ForecastService.Insert(newValue);



  • I do not recommend using one ref variable for several instances. It may cause such collisions. Isolate your detail grid in a separate component to resolve the issue.