I have an excel file that looks like this
I load this file into R and then I want to calculate the median of columns 1 to 6, per row and save the result in a new variable. I tried doing the following:
data$C_median <- median(data[1:6], na.rm=TRUE)
This results however in the following error:
Error in median.default(data[1:6], na.rm = TRUE) : need numeric data
I'm not sure how to solve this issue as I believe all data to already be numeric (apart from na values that are removed with na.rm = TRUE).
Note that for calculating the mean I am able to use similarly fashioned code without issue.
data$C_mean <- rowMeans(data[1:6], na.rm=TRUE)
Since you want to calculate the median for each row through column 1 to 6, you can use apply()
to make it
data$median <- apply(data[1:6],1,function(v) median(as.numeric(v),na.rm = T))
Note that the error you encounter indicates that you were using non-numeric type data, so you need to convert them to numeric first via as.numeric()