How to return, with eloquent, all files where column deleted_at
is null. I can access the value of deleted_at
like this $media->model['deleted_at']
In controller I return $files to the view.
$files = $media->paginate(3);
In my view, code below give me empty <iframe>
if file is deleted.
@foreach ($files as $media)
@php($id = $media->model['id'])
@php($file_name = $media->model['document_file'][0]['file_name'])
<iframe style="width: 500px; height: 700px;" src="{{ asset("storage/$id/$file_name") }}"></iframe>
With QueryBuilder I can do it like this, but how can make the same with eloquent.
$file = DB::table('media')
->join('files', 'media.model_id', '=', '')
->select('model_id', 'file_name')
->where('deleted_at', '=',null)
Laravel has a Scout package that has a withTrashed()
function to retrieve none deleted and soft deleted if you only want the trashed you could use the onlyTrashed()
$files = Media::has('files')->withTrashed()->get();
Source: Laravel Soft delete