How can I calculate distance between SCNText center and its left edge corner and its right edge corner.
For eg using the code below, if the word was "texas" the middle of the letter "x" would be the pivot point
because it's in the middle of the word. How would I get the distance between the left side of the letter "t" and the letter "x". How would I get the distance between the right side of the letter "s" and the letter "x"
let material = SCNMaterial()
material.diffuse.contents =
let geometry = SCNText(string: "texas", extrusionDepth: 0.1)
geometry.flatness = 0
geometry.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 6.3)
geometry.materials = [material]
let textNode = SCNNode()
textNode.geometry = geometry
textNode.geometry?.firstMaterial?.isDoubleSided = true
// set pivot point
let min = textNode.boundingBox.min
let max = textNode.boundingBox.max
textNode.pivot = SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation(
min.x + (max.x - min.x)/2,
min.y + (max.y - min.y)/2,
min.z + (max.z - min.z)/2
let totalWidth: Float = textNode.boundingBox.max.x - textNode.boundingBox.min.x
let halfWidth: Float = totalWidth / 2
print("total width:", totalWidth)
print("half width:", halfWidth)