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Is there a way to connect to existing store instance

I want to connect to the existing store instance in development mode to dispatch some actions to simulate the production environment.

I tried using:

but looks like it is creating a new instance every time. Is there a way to connect to existing store and dispatch an action using API?


  • If you want to use __REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__.connect() to connect to an existing instance, you need to know and reuse its instanceId. You can set this explicitly on the connect options object:

    const instanceA = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__.connect({
      instanceId: 1234
    const instanceB = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__.connect({
      instanceId: 1234

    While instanceA !== instanceB, messages you .send to instanceA and instanceB should still end up together in the Redux DevTools extension.