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Open a 2nd Modal and then close the 1st modal

I have two Modals and the problem I'm having is with closing the 1st modal after 2nd modal has been opened.

I have tried this. But then it never opens the 2nd Modal.

This is within the 1st Modal

async next(): Promise<void> { // try to open 2nd Modal and after that close the 1st Modal
  await this.showSeeAgainModal();

cancel(): void {

async showSeeAgainModal(): Promise<void> { // This is the 2nd Modal
  const modal: HTMLIonModalElement = await this.modalController.create({
    component: SeeAgainPage,

  modal.onDidDismiss().then(async (res) => {

  return await modal.present();

Update: I have tried with 2 ModalControllers. i.e. one for the parent and other for a child. But that too didn't work.


  • The problem is that you are calling this.modalController.dismiss(), which closes the active second modal. You need to have a reference to your first modal if you want to dismiss it from the second one. Pass a dismissFirstModal function as a componentProp to the second modal and take advantage of the ionModalDidPresent event, which is emitted after the modal has presented. Here is a working example


    constructor(public modalController: ModalController){}
    async presentFirstModal() {
      const dismissFirstModal = () => {
      const modal = await this.modalController.create({
        component: SecondComponent,
        componentProps: {dismissFirstModal: dismissFirstModal}
      return await modal.present();


    @Input() dismissFirstModal;
    constructor(public modalController: ModalController){}
    ngOnInit() {}
    async showSeeAgainModal(): Promise<void> {
      const modal = await this.modalController.create({
        component: SeeAgainPage,
      modal.addEventListener('ionModalDidPresent', () => {
      return modal.present();