I am wondering if there was a much faster way using data.table/dplyr to replace values based on previous values by group.
Suppose my original data table looks like:
DT_orig <- data.table(name = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B"),
year = c("2001", "2002", "2003", "2001", "2002", "2003"),
treat = c(1,0,0, 0,0,1))
This looks as follows:
name year treat
1: A 2001 1
2: A 2002 0
3: A 2003 0
4: B 2001 0
5: B 2002 0
6: B 2003 1
Here, for each individual(name) and time period (year), there is a column (treat) which indicates whether or not they have been assigned a treatment.
I am considering an alternative treatment where once an individual is treated, the individual remains treated. Thus, the modified data table should look like:
name year treat
1: A 2001 1
2: A 2002 1
3: A 2003 1
4: B 2001 0
5: B 2002 0
6: B 2003 1
Notice that for person A, being treated in 2001 implies that they are "treated" in the following years as well.
Because I have a very large data table, I was wondering if there was a very quick way of modifying achieving this.
May be we can use cummax
(from base R
DT_orig[, treat := cummax(treat), name]
# name year treat
#1: A 2001 1
#2: A 2002 1
#3: A 2003 1
#4: B 2001 0
#5: B 2002 0
#6: B 2003 1
Or the same can be done with dplyr
DT_orig %>%
group_by(name) %>%
mutate(treat = cummax(treat))
Or using base R
DT_orig$treat <- with(DT_orig, ave(treat, name, FUN = cummax))