My API has different parameters. Depending on those, I have two slightly different processes. But output almost same. Should I use builders pattern ?
For example, suppose there are different query parameters A and B:
// For case A:
if (A){
// For case B :
Note : here process is little bit complex. Such as Third party api call, filter, sorting, complex calculation and so on.
The simple fact of having slightly different processes does not justify nor call for a builder pattern.
Unfortunately, your question doesn't show anything about your object structure, so it's difficult to advise how to implement it. Typically, here some examples:
Anyway, try not to use design patterns as a catalogue of basic ingredients to solve your problem. THe right way is the opposite: think of how you want to solve the problem, and then use design patterns if you see that they address some of your desing intentions.
To come back on the builder pattern: this is a pattern that is meant to construct complex classes, and apply a same construction process to different classes that follow a same logic for their construction. I don't see this kind of challenge in your code example.