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Return view with variable = null if not set in database

i have a question. How can i return view with variable who is null if there is no record in DB. i know return $variable ?? null; but i need this in a view.

public function shop_items($shelf)
    $shop_shelf = $this->getTreeItems(0);
    $shop_items = DB::table("shop_items")->where('shelf_id', $shelf)->get();
    return view('shop',compact('shop_items','shop_shelf'));

if there is record i get the valeu of $shop_items but if there is no such record got Undefined offset: 0

edite: add shop.blade

@foreach($shop_shelf as $ss)
                    @foreach($ss["children"] as $sc)
                            <a href="/shop/shelf/{{$sc["id"]}}">

enter image description here

could not post all code so i put an image of shop.blade


  • You may use

    @forelse($shop_shelf as $ss)
                        @foreach($ss["children"] as $sc)
                                <a href="/shop/shelf/{{$sc["id"]}}">
        <p>No data to display</p>

    PS : apply the @forelse loop structure wherever you have an array in your blade

    See docs