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Changing size of image in Pygame

I'm creating a Pygame sprite. I need to change its size as the PNG file I've loaded is too big. The dimensions are currently 356x354. I need them to be 35x35

I've loaded the image using this code and declared the variable as img.


I've then tried to use this code to resize "img"


But it doesn't do anything.

In addition to this I've got an error in the terminal saying libpng warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image.

I don't understand what this is but I suspect it relates to my problem of not being able to resize the image/surface.


  • You need to assign pygame.transform.scale(img,(35,35)) to a variable otherwise it won't be saved.

    Also, the error message is a bug in an old version of pygame, try updating pygame by using python3 -m pip install -U pygame or if that doesn't work, try python -m pip install Pygame>=2.0.0.dev6.