I want to extract 3 random, non-overlapping sub-images of 80 x 80 with Tensorflow. How could I do it? The picture below should give an idea.
I think I found the solution, if you have any suggestion please go ahead.
def sample_img(img,frame_dim=(80,80),seed=42,n=3,padding='VALID'):
if n > (img.shape[0] * img.shape[1]) // (frame_dim[0] * frame_dim[1]):
padding = 'SAME'
patches = tf.image.extract_patches(tf.reshape(img,shape=(-1,*img.shape)),
patches_res = tf.reshape(patches,shape=(-1,*frame_dim,img.shape[2]))
ixs = tf.reshape(tf.range(patches_res.shape[0],dtype=tf.int64),shape=(1,-1))
ixs_sampled = tf.random.uniform_candidate_sampler(ixs,
ixs_sampled_res = tf.reshape(ixs_sampled.sampled_candidates,shape=(n,1))