I'm using C# MongoDb.Driver
(2.10) to get a document from a collection :
MongoClient dbClient = new
IMongoDatabase db = dbClient.GetDatabase("***");
var collection = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("***");
Console.WriteLine( collection.Find(Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Empty).First());
This does work and emits this :
So everything is OK.
But now I want to try to filter where lockPolicyId.ToString()=="1"
.(As a string , not as a number)
So I've tried :
var filter= Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Where(a=>a["lockPolicyId"].AsString=="1");
var t=collection.Find( filter ).First() ;
Which shows this error :
The operands for operator 'Equal' do not match the parameters of method 'op_Equality'.
I've also tried:
var filter= Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Where(a=>a["lockPolicyId"].ToString()=="1");
And got this error:
{document}{lockPolicyId}.ToString() is not supported.
Now, I do understand why it's happening ( Int and not String).
But still
How can I filter by the ToString value?
In other words, to make this line works:
MongoDB C# driver interprets a=>a["lockPolicyId"]==1
as {lockPolicyId: {"$eq" : "1"}}
When you try a=>a["lockPolicyId"].AsString=="1"
, it can't be interpreted into MongoDB syntax... (such query {{$toString:"lockPolicyId"} : "1"}
is invalid)
MongoDB .find
method has exception with $where
db.collection.find({"$where": "this.lockPolicyId.toString() == '1'"})
But you need to write such queries manually (can't be written by Predicate
interface). Note: It's very slow
MongoDB offers aggregate
command to perform unusual queries. You need to define query pipeline. If you use $toString
operator in the 1st stage and then apply matching criteria in the 2nd one, it will work:
lockPolicyId : {$toString:"$lockPolicyId"}
lockPolicyId : "1"