I'm creating docker-machines in Google Cloud with the shell command
docker-machine create --driver google \
--google-project my-project \
--google-zone my-zone \
--google-machine-image debian-cloud/global/images/debian-10-buster-v20191210 \
As you see, i use the image debian-10-buster-v20191210. But I want to switch the version of the image to a less recent one. And the problem is that I can't find the place where the list of such images (debian-10-buster-v*) can be found. Can you please help me to find the place?
Determining a list of available images can be done using the gcloud command line.
--show deprecated
indicates you want to see ALL images, not just the latest
only selects images with a starting name of debian-10-buster
$ gcloud compute images list --filter="name=debian-10-buster" --show-deprecated
debian-10-buster-v20191115 debian-cloud debian-10 DEPRECATED READY
debian-10-buster-v20191121 debian-cloud debian-10 DEPRECATED READY
debian-10-buster-v20191210 debian-cloud debian-10 READY
You can find additional information in the gcloud Images List documentation.