I am unable to mock API Calls function call in Flask Rest API Tests. I am using unittest and pytest module.
Code follows as:
@app.route('/api/v1/recommender', methods=['POST'])
def recommender():
"""Handle POST requests that are sent to /api/v1/recommender REST API endpoint."""
r = {'recommendation': 'failure', 'external_request_id': None}
metrics_payload = {
'pid': os.getpid(),
'hostname': os.environ.get("HOSTNAME"),
'endpoint': request.endpoint,
'request_method': request.method,
'status_code': 200
input_json = request.get_json()
persist = request.args.get('persist', 'true') == 'true'
r = RecommendationTask().execute(input_json, persist=persist,
except Exception as e:
r = {
'recommendation': 'unexpected error',
'external_request_id': input_json.get('external_request_id'),
'message': '%s' % e
metrics_payload['status_code'] = 500
return flask.jsonify(r), 200
import pytest
from src.rest_api import app
def client():
"""Provide the client session used by tests."""
with app.test_client() as client:
yield client
@mock.patch('src.recommender.RecommendationTask.execute', side_effect=None, return_result=None)
def test_recommendation_api_endpoint(_mock_object, client):
"""Check the /recommender REST API endpoint."""
rec_resp = client.post(api_route_for("recommender"),
data=json.dumps(payload), content_type='application/json')
I am unable to Mock src.recommender.RecommendationTask.execute
Mocking works perfectly fine in Direct Function Tests but not in API Calls.
PS: By Direct Function calls, i mean Testing Function by importing and executing them rightaway in test scripts. Please help.
Solved this by creating another mocked function.
class FakedResponse:
"""Fake Response2."""
status_code = 200
def json():
"""Json Response."""
return response
then Modifying actual test function by
@mock.patch('src.recommender.RecommendationTask.execute', side_effect=None, return_result=None)
def test_recommendation_api_endpoint(_mock_object, client):
"""Check the /recommender REST API endpoint."""
r.cursor = FakedResponse()
rec_resp = client.post(api_route_for("recommender"),
data=json.dumps(payload), content_type='application/json')