I have a df that looks like this and want to add an adj mean that selects the max if one of the two columns (avg or rolling_mean) is 0 otherwise it gets the avg of the two columns.
ID Avg rolling_mean adj_mean (goal to have this column)
0 5 0 5
1 6 6.3 6.15
2 5 8 6.5
3 4 0 4
I was able to get the max value of the columns using this code
df["adj_mean"]=df[["Avg", "rolling_mean"]].max(axis=1)
but not sure how to add the avg if both values are greater than zero.
Many thanks!
One approach can be to treat 0 as NaN
and then simply calculate the mean
df['adj_mean'] = df.replace({0: np.nan})[["Avg", "rolling_mean"]].mean(axis=1)
rolling_mean Avg adj_mean
0 0.0 5 5.00
1 6.3 6 6.15
2 8.0 5 6.50
3 0.0 4 4.00
By default, df.mean()
skips null values. Per the docs:
skipna : bool, default True Exclude NA/null values when computing the result.