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Google Cloud - Unable to access private CloudSQL database in one VPC network from another VPC network

Our setup includes - A primary VPC where the we have compute engines and Postgres databases that are created with private IP. Let's refer it as main-network, - Vault deployed in it's own VPC and accessible via Loadbalancer (as per the best practice). Let's refer it as vault-network.

Within main-network compute instances are able to access the DBs with the private IP as the DBs where created with main-network as the parent network while creation. Looking at various VPC details, it seems like the creation process auto creates private-service-access as described in the docs..

The problem - For Vault database secret-engine, Vault needs to be able to access the DB to dynamically generate secrets. I have tried creating VPC network peering between main-network and vault-network and verified (via netcat) that I can successfully reach machines in the main-network from machines in the vault-network.

However, I cannot reach the DB instances from the nodes in vault-network.

Is it possible to share the access to private-service with a peered vpc network?

I don't want to make the DBs public unless it's the only way.


  • I reached out to the Google support for our account and asked them about this problem and they confirmed that it's not possible to have a transitive VPC peering

    VPC peering is not transitive, this scenario is not possible using VPC peering between the VPC networks:

    Cloud SQL <[VPC Peering]> VPC “main-network” <[VPC Peering]> VPC “vault-network”.

    Creating a shared VPC defeats the purpose of creating a separate network in the first place as it would make the vault nodes directly accessible in the shared VPC.

    The Google guy suggested to create a VPN:

    As a workaround, you could create a VPN between the VPC networks “main-network” and “vault-network”:

    Cloud SQL <[VPC Peering]> VPC “main-network” <[Cloud VPN]> VPC “vault-network”.

    I need some time to think if we want to go down this path or not.

    For now, I have whitelisted the NAT IP of the vault cluster in the settings.ip_configuration.authorized_networks configuration of the database instance to give access to the vault network. The down side of this is that the database has a public IP now which isn't necessarily bad as the firewall blocks public access to it.

    Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.