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Kotlin junit MockK runner

I'm trying to write unit tests using Kotlin and MockK framework. If tests are written using junit 5 framework it's possible to run them using MockKExtension.


But for junit 4 tests is there a MockK runner? Like:


Without such runner it's required to initialize mocks manually.

private val a: A = mockK()

Is it possible to initialize kotlin mocks using annotation with junit 4?

private lateinit var a: A


  • Quick answer is no.

    BUT. It's very simple to use MockK with JUnit 4:

    All you need is code like this:

    class CarTest {
      lateinit var car1: Car
      fun setUp() = MockKAnnotations.init(this, relaxUnitFun = true) // turn relaxUnitFun on for all mocks
      // And so on…

    BTW, it's not hand-crafted example, it's from official documentation