I am doing a "create a password" project for my class in python. I just learned common conversion specifiers and they would like me to use this in my program.
So far I am stuck on the "second password", see code below:
# FIXME (1): Finish reading another word and an integer into variables.
# Output all the values on a single line
favoriteColor = input('Enter favorite color: \n')
petName = input('Enter pet\'s name: \n')
passNumber = input('Enter a number: \n')
print(favoriteColor, petName, passNumber)
# FIXME (2): Output two password options
password1 = favoriteColor
print('First password: %s_%s' % (favoriteColor,petName))
print('Second password: **%d','%s','%d'** % (passNumber, petName, passNumber))
I need to make the second password generated like: 6yellow6 My problem is I cannot figure out how to use % conversion next to each other without a space. Help please!
you can do string formating in many ways
print('str - %s number - %d' %('some_string', 100))
print('str - {} number - {}'.format('some_string',100))
print(f'str - {some_string} number - {100}')
so for your answer
print('Second password: **%d%s%d**' % (passNumber, petName, passNumber))
or better
print(f'second password: {passNumber}{petName}{passNumber}')