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How to upload pdf, docs files etc.., to hyperledger blockchain

I am currently working on a project in Hyperledger, where I want to upload files like pdf and docs into hyperledger blockchain by distributing the document file across the node of the network, and retrieving the document file back. Please help me with how I can do and how should I approves. If it cannot be achieved in Hyperledger then please let me know by which blockchain it can be achieved. Thanks in advance.


  • From your comment it sounds like you are thinking of using Hyperledger Fabric. With Fabric you should be able to write chaincode and a client that stores files. It still might not be the best approach and you should think carefully about separating storage of large files from the blockchain consensus based chaincode, especially when storing a hash of the file on-chain would suffice. Each node will need to store the file and come to consensus that all nodes stored the same file (have the same state). This is expensive in terms of compute and network i/o.

    With Fabric, you should be able to do just about anything in code, as long as it is deterministic and not a long-running process. In my experience, minimizing code and state on any blockchain is best practice.

    A complete example of a Hyperledger Fabric implementation is here: