I am currently trying to create an nxm matrix of accumulation factors based on a selection of n interest rates of m time periods. So, for example, the first row gives me the evolution of a single unit accumulating at an interest rate of r1, the second row the evolution at an interest rate of r2, and so on. This should give me a matrix that looks something like
1+r1 (1+r1)^2 (1+r1)^3 ...
1+r2 (1+r2)^2 (1+r2)^3 ...
1+r3 (1+r3)^2 (1+r3)^3 ...
To do this, I have created a matrix of the form
1+r1 1+r1 1+r1 ...
1+r2 1+r2 1+r2 ...
1+r3 1+r3 1+r3 ...
(with constant rows) and was hoping to raise every element in the ith row to the power of i (without using a loop). How might this be done?
One option is to loop over the sequence of columns, extract the matrix column and raise it to the power of the index
sapply(seq_len(ncol(m1)), function(i) (1 + m1[,i])^i)
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#[1,] 2 49 1728 83521 5153632
#[2,] 3 64 2197 104976 6436343
#[3,] 4 81 2744 130321 7962624
#[4,] 5 100 3375 160000 9765625
#[5,] 6 121 4096 194481 11881376
Or without using a loop, make use of the col
index which will return the same dimension as the original matrix and then do the power on the same dimension matrix
(m1 + 1)^col(m1)
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#[1,] 2 49 1728 83521 5153632
#[2,] 3 64 2197 104976 6436343
#[3,] 4 81 2744 130321 7962624
#[4,] 5 100 3375 160000 9765625
#[5,] 6 121 4096 194481 11881376
Or another option is rep
(m1 + 1)^(rep(seq_len(ncol(m1)), each = nrow(m1)))
m1 <- matrix(1:25, 5, 5)