I am writing a function deriveMyTypeClass ::Q [Dec]
where, given the name of a type, I am walking over it's constructors and instancing a typeclass I wrote based on the structure.
My type class looks like:
class MyTypeclass a where
type Foo a
f :: a -> a -> Foo a
g :: Foo a -> a -> a
In my function deriveMyTypeclass
, what declaration should I pass to InstanceD
to satisfy the type family declaration. Would it be TySynInstD
Right now I have something along the lines of:
deriveMyTypeclass :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveMyTypeclass tyName = do
... blah blah blah reify tyName ...
return $ [
InstanceD Nothing []
(AppT (ConT ''MyTypeclass) (ConT tyName)
[ -- declarations go here
, TySynInstD $ ?????
, FunD 'f ...
, FunD 'g ...
Any help is appreciated :)
P.S. I'm using version template-haskell- but if your solution requires 2.15, then I'll consider upgrading.
Thanks to Joseph's comment to my question, I found my answer. Just in case anyone stumbles upon this question, the typeclass instance with a type family instance would look like:
InstanceD Nothing []
(AppT (ConT ''MyTypeclass) (ConT tyName))
[TySynInstD ''Foo
, FunD ....
, .....
I was originally confused as to how the Type family name (Foo) and the type I was instancing it for (tyName) would be composed. Here it is composed as the type family name as just a name (''Foo), a list of types to instantiate Foo's type variable (ConT tyName) and then a type for the right hand side.