I would like to select all points where they are outside my polygon.
I have a column called gps
This field contains latitude and longitude.
I declared the region of my polygon
SET @thePolygon = GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromText('POLYGON((-78.50932668617881 45.024933647425115, -78.53403351361905 44.9898648154388, -78.48446979547693 44.97239241709962, -78.45973073293072 45.007441690111115, -78.50932668617881 45.024933647425115))', 4269);
now I wanted something like not in, ex.
[![select top 100 gps from MonitoramentosVTR
where gps not in GEOGRAPHY::STIntersection(@thePolygon)][1]][1]
I am using Microsoft SQL Server
Use STIntersects, eg:
select top 100 gps
from MonitoramentosVTR
where gps.STIntersects(@thePolygon) = 0
order by ...