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Python IP Address Module

I was hoping I could get some assistance with my python module installations, specifically around the ipaddress module. This issue is driving me crazy...

In short, I wrote a python3 script on my Windows machine that utilises the ipaddress module. This works absolutely fine.

I've copied this to the Linux box (Ubuntu 18.04) that I want to run it on, but when I run it, I get the following error:

File "/opt/netbox-2.6.7/netbox/reports/", line 82, in test_aci_endpoints
  if endpoint.subnet_of(summary):
AttributeError: 'IPv4Network' object has no attribute 'subnet_of'

When I query the module, I get the following:

nbxla01lv:/opt/netbox/netbox$ pip3 show ipaddress
Name: ipaddress
Version: 1.0.23
Summary: IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library
Author: Philipp Hagemeister
License: Python Software Foundation License
Location: /home/andy/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages

This is slightly confusing to me as looking at that homepage for the module, it seems to be a port of the 3.3+ ipaddress module for python 2.7. Regardless, version 1.0.23 is the latest release and contains the function 'subnet_of'.

Also, if I look to the actual code itself in /home/andy/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/, I can see the actual function in the code:

nbxla01lv:/home/andy/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages$ cat | grep subnet_of
        if not other.subnet_of(self):
            if other.subnet_of(s1):
            elif other.subnet_of(s2):
    def _is_subnet_of(a, b):
    def subnet_of(self, other):
        return self._is_subnet_of(self, other)
        return self._is_subnet_of(other, self)

I'm sure this is something simple, but any help would be greatly appreciated.


Edit - sample code

# Query APIC for all endpoint IPs. 
endpointQuery = '/api/node/class/fvIp.json'
resp = requests.get(aciBaseURL + endpointQuery, cookies=cookie, verify=False).json()

ipAddressCount = int(resp["totalCount"])
aciIPs = []
counter = 0
summary = ipaddress.ip_network(inputSummary)

while counter < ipAddressCount:
    endpoint = ipaddress.ip_network(resp['imdata'][counter]["fvIp"]["attributes"]["addr"])
    if endpoint.subnet_of(summary):


  • The ipaddress module is part of the standard library so I guess you're importing that version.

    You can also verify which module you're actually importing

    >>> import ipaddress
    >>> ipaddress.__file__

    Most likely the subnet_of method is missing from the ipaddress module in your current installation of Python (looks like 3.6)