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Cron job doesn't work (with docker command)

I have some commands I want to run every day in my crontab:

5 0 * * * docker image prune
5 0 * * * docker image prune -a
5 0 * * * docker container prune

They don't seem to be really working as my server memory keeps decreasing with the amount of images and containers stocked. I know those commands takes a manual intervention to accept with y, I tried the docker image prune -y in my terminal but it is not getting recognized.

Any tip? Thanks!


  • Use the -f flag:

    docker image prune -a -f

    Help text:

    Usage:  docker image prune [OPTIONS]
    Remove unused images
      -a, --all     Remove all unused images, not just dangling ones
      -f, --force   Do not prompt for confirmation
          --help    Print usage