I'm building a set of Webjobs to back up my Azure Storage blobs and tables to a separate storage account (to be used in the case of unintentional corruption of data, in which case the built in replication wouldn't be useful).
I've successfully built jobs to both backup and restore the data. I'm now working on a job to delete old backups and I can delete blobs, but I'm having trouble with deleting tables. AzCopy 10 has the remove operation, but does not support tables. AzCopy 7.3 supports tables but does not appear to have a way to delete objects. Am I missing something here, or is my only option to somehow call the REST API to delete these tables?
Am I missing something here, or is my only option to somehow call the REST API to delete these tables?
If I am not mistaken, that functionality is not there in AzCopy.
Regarding using REST API, I don't think you would need to do that. You can simply use Azure Storage .Net SDK (which is a wrapper over REST API) to do delete operations on objects.