I have this list of dates
I want to count the times that the time is higher than 24 hours between each dates in a row... tried with this ..
$tiempo1 = DB::table('incidencia_tiempo')
->whereTime('time', '>', '0000-00-00 24:00:00')
Beetween time and created at... I would like to count... if beetween the two times the hours are higher than 24 hours then add +1 to the count
I have to make a comparation with created_at and time and I don't know how
to get the time between two datetime,
If you want to count the time
high than the created_at
24 hours
$count = DB::table('incidencia_tiempo')
->where(DB::raw('TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, time, created_at)'), '>', 24)
if you want to count the time difference between two datetimes high than 24 hours:
$count = DB::table('incidencia_tiempo')
->where(DB::raw('ABS(TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, time, created_at))'), '>', 24)